Wednesday, 19 November 2014

CBSE Question Papers for Class 9

Question papers are designed based on each curriculum so that students’ subject knowledge and skills are evaluated at the end of each academic session. However, exam papers represent the standard of each educational board. Separate exam paper is prepared for each examination. Most importantly, these question papers are designed under the guidance of proficient academicians. On the other hand, students are suggested to practice old test papers to get acquainted with the question pattern and marking system of each board. Apart from this, using old test papers is a systematic way to revise each curriculum before tests. However, students can collect old exam papers online. 

CBSE question papers are well-formed, useful and intelligible. Each CBSE syllabus is suitably prepared for students along with the CBSE test papers. Moreover, CBSE class 9 syllabus consists of all basic academic disciplines including science, social science, Math, English and Hindi. This course module covers all elementary topics so that through this syllabus, students can build a good grounding in each basic subject. However, CBSE question papers for class 9 are well-formed and organized. Students can also collect previous year question papers for class 9 CBSE online. Consequently, they can practice these papers to rectify their weak areas before exams.

CBSE Syllabus for Class 9

Syllabus is a study material that helps students in understanding each subject in a step-by-step order. CBSE syllabi are well-structured and comprehensive. Students, who are pursuing their studies under the CBSE board, are advised to follow each syllabus thoroughly to make them prepared for different competitive exams. CBSE syllabus for class 9 is ideal for students as it imparts the elementary information about different topics.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9

CBSE sample papers are designed to make students’ learning process easier and constructive. It is proved that using model papers makes students’ confident before their exams. Hence, students are suggested to practice guess papers to handle their exam stress before each test. CBSE sample papers for class 9 are well-prepared and useful learning resources for students. Moreover, these papers are available online.

Watch the below video Why Examinations Are Bad 

Friday, 14 November 2014

CBSE 5th Standard English Question Papers

CBSE is a standard educational board of India and it provides a holistic educational platform to students so that they can build a good career in the future. Most importantly, the board offers a child centred and ideal educational environment where students can develop their qualities and skills in a requisite manner. Additionally, the board organizes various academic activities and training programs to make students eligible for different competitive exams. However, CBSE class 5 syllabus is well-organized. All basic subjects including Maths, Science, English, Hindi and Environmental science are added in this curriculum. In addition to this, the board prepares suitable question paper for each subject included in the CBSE class 5 syllabus.

English is a valuable basic subject as it is well-appreciated in different fields especially in the Arts and Literature. CBSE 5th standard English question papers contain different questions formed by following the concerned syllabus. Additionally, pertinent instructions and allotted marks for each question are also mentioned in each CBSE exam paper. However, using old test papers is beneficial for students and hence, they are encouraged to practice these papers repeatedly during their exam preparation. Old CBSE English question papers for class 5 are available online and hence, students can easily collect and practice these papers while revising the syllabus before the final test. 

CBSE English 5th Standard Syllabus

Syllabus is a well-written study material that imparts requisite subject knowledge to students as per their academic standards. CBSE syllabi are well-designed as each of these is prepared by following an extensive research. Moreover, CBSE course modules contain all updated information and hence, these are informative and beneficial for students. CBSE 5th standard syllabus English gives students thorough information about each basic topic.

CBSE English 5th Standard Model Papers

CBSE English 5th standard model papers are good learning resources as these papers allow students to check their preparation level before exams. These sample papers contain different questions along with the marking pattern. However, students can collect these exam papers online. According to subject experts, CBSE students of class 5 must practice these model papers thoroughly to revise each chapter before exams.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

CBSE Class 2 Syllabus

Syllabus is an outline of the course or subject that imparts suitable subject knowledge to students. According to current research, students must follow each prescribed syllabus to learn each subject in a thorough manner. Each course module contains chapters along with the suitable guidelines and reference information that guides students as well as teachers throughout the academic session.  However, CBSE syllabi are standardized and instructional. Students get thorough information from each CBSE syllabus as per their academic standard. Most importantly, each of these is modified at regular intervals and hence, students, who are studying under the CBSE board, can easily make them familiar with the updated information of all subjects. Additionally, CBSE syllabi make students prepared for different competitive exams.

CBSE class 2 syllabus is a basic course module and hence, it is suitably designed by including all elementary subjects and their pertinent topics. English, Maths, Science and Hindi are included in the CBSE class 2 syllabus. All basic chapters are incorporated in each syllabus in a sequential manner. Hence, CBSE syllabus for class 2 is worthwhile for students in all respects. CBSE class 2 Math syllabus is ideal for students as it covers topics starting from the tens and ones to counting in tens. However, students can collect the CBSE course of study designed for class 2 online.

CBSE Class 2 Question Papers

CBSE question papers are designed by the associated subject experts and hence, each of these is well-prepared in all manners. Each question is added in each CBSE exam paper along with the allotted marks and suitable instructions. Therefore, CBSE test papers are comprehensive and organized. However, previous year CBSE class 2 question papers are available online. Students are suggested to practice these papers before the final tests.

CBSE Class 2 Sample Papers

Sample papers are made to ease the students’ learning process during the period of exam preparation. By using the model papers adequately, students can revise each syllabus in a systematic manner. However, sample papers are designed subject wise. CBSE sample papers for class 2 are available online and students must practice these learning materials to gauge their understanding in each subject. Additionally, these study documents enable students to improve their skills.

CBSE Question Papers for class 8 English

Question papers usually contain different questions based on each revised syllabus. Therefore, through these papers, students’ subject knowledge is gauged in a systematic manner. Educational boards design separate exam papers for each academic session. These learning materials are important as these papers play an imperative role in exams. Additionally, these papers showcase the educational standard of the concerned board. However, CBSE test papers are worthwhile and standardized as each of these is prepared under the vigilance of academicians. Apart from this, each CBSE test paper contains relevant instructions that guide students throughout the examination. Most importantly, CBSE marking system and question pattern are praiseworthy and understandable.
CBSE question papers for class 8 English are well-structured as both objective and subjective questions are included in these papers by following a proper order. Additionally, pertinent guidelines are also mentioned at the starting of each test paper. CBSE class 8 English syllabus contains suitable topics, poems and grammar chapters so that students can develop a thorough knowledge in this subject. Moreover, through this syllabus, students’ writing, analytical and oral skills are thoroughly evaluated. Additionally, old CBSE question papers for class 8 are available online and hence, students can easily practice CBSE question papers for class 8 English as per their learning requirements.

CBSE Syllabus for Class 8 English

Syllabus is a well-prepared learning document that allows students to understand the entire course before the final exam. CBSE course modules are standardized as well as useful for students in all manners. It contains all suitable topics and sub-topics along with the scheme of study. CBSE syllabus for class 8 English is designed with suitable poems, prose and grammar chapters. However, students can collect this online.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 8 English

According to subject experts, using sample papers or guess papers is a constructive way to revise each syllabus in a thorough manner. Therefore, students are recommended to practice model papers to brush up their knowledge and skills before exams.  However, CBSE sample papers for class 8 English are well-formed and organized. Hence, students must practice these papers as reference study materials.

Monday, 29 September 2014

CBSE 3rd Standard Maths Syllabus

Math is a basic subject and it is related to the quantity, structure and other relevant matters. Math is that kind of subject, which we use in our daily activities. While cooking the dishes or checking a recipe, calculating the money for grocery shopping or marinating the bank accounts, we use Math concepts. However, students start learning Math from the elementary level. CBSE Math syllabi are well-structured and informative. Most importantly, the board provides suitable learning materials to students so that they can learn each Math chapter in a detailed manner. CBSE Math sample papers and worksheets are quite useful for students and these learning documents are modified based on the revised curriculum. Moreover, students can collect these study materials online.

CBSE 3rd standard Maths syllabus comprises all basic Math topics including geometry, patterns, addition and subtraction, numbers, measurement and others. However, all basic key areas are requisitely covered by this syllabus along with the suggested activities. Additionally, the number of periods scheduled to complete each chapter are also mentioned in this curriculum. Students can collect the Math syllabus for class 3 CBSE online. They can also practice CBSE class 3 Math guess papers and worksheets to revise each chapter in a repeated manner. 

CBSE Maths Question Papers for Class 3

Math question paper contains different Math questions along with the guidelines and marking scheme. CBSE Math question papers are standardized and intelligible. Suitable questions are prepared from each Math chapter. However, previous year CBSE Maths question papers for class 3 are available online. Students must practice these old exam papers to enhance their subject knowledge in a requisite manner. Additionally, they can practice these papers to improve skills before exams.

Practicing sample papers is useful in all manners and hence, students are suggested to practice guess papers to make their exam preparation constructive. CBSE model papers are helpful as each of these is designed by the experienced academicians. However, CBSE 3rd standard Maths sample papers are prepared by covering the prescribed syllabus in a requisite manner. Students should practice these papers to get familiar with the current question pattern.

Monday, 22 September 2014

CBSE Syllabus for Class 2 Maths

Syllabus is a useful learning document for students. By following syllabus, students learn each subject in an organized manner. In brief, syllabus makes students aware about the course description, course structure, grading policies, goals of each course, the names of reference books and others. CBSE syllabi are informative and updated in all manners. Based on the extensive research, the associated academicians prepare suitable course module for each class. CBSE class 2 syllabus covers all basic subjects along with their relevant topics. Math, English, Hindi and Science are some elementary subjects that students learn in standard 2.

CBSE syllabus for class 2 Maths includes topics such as what is long what is round, counting in groups, counting in tens, patterns, jugs and mugs, my fun day, add our points, give and take and others. However, the syllabus contains topic names, activities and the scheduled months to complete each topic. Additionally, the suitable learning documents including worksheets and sample papers are also available online and hence, students can practice these documents to improve their knowledge and skills in a requisite manner. According to subject experts, CBSE class 2 Maths syllabus is well-formed and students must follow this course of study starting from each academic session.

CBSE Class 2 Math Question Papers

Question paper is ideally designed to examine the students’ subject knowledge in a thorough manner. In this respect, CBSE question papers are well-structured and easy to follow. Pertinent guidelines are written on each CBSE exam paper. Moreover, old CBSE class 2 Math question papers are available online. Therefore, students can practice these papers to revise each Math chapter in a thorough manner.

CBSE Class 2 Math Model Papers

Using model papers is a great way to revise each syllabus in a systematic manner. Therefore, practicing sample papers is highly recommended to students of different classes. Through these papers, students can not only gauge their subject knowledge, but also get familiar with the prescribed question pattern. CBSE class 2 Math model papers are useful and constructive. Students must practice these learning materials to study each Math chapter thoroughly.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

CBSE Class 6 Social Science Question Paper

CBSE or the Central Board of Secondary Education is one of India’s premier boards of education.  The textbooks and syllabi for the CBSE board are thoughtfully designed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training or NCERT.  

Social science for CBSE Class 6 students is taught in an engaging manner with relevant examples, discussions and images.  It is no longer a boring or dry subject.  The class 6 Social Science textbooks try to make social science an interesting subject with real-life examples and engaging activities.  In this way, students develop an interest for social science as a subject.  

The CBSE class 6 social science question papers evaluate students’ understanding of social science topics at the class 6 level.   Let us go through a short overview of the CBSE Class 6 social science question paper.

CBSE Class 6 Social Science Question Paper

The CBSE Class 6 social science question paper usually consists of very short answer-type questions, short answer questions and long answer questions.  The very short answer-type questions are usually multiple choice questions (MCQs), fill in the blanks or questions to be answered in one or two short sentences.  They are usually objective type questions and encourage students to remember important points with respect to concepts that they have learnt.  The short answer questions consist of both factual and critical thinking-type questions.  They help students understand and appreciate different concepts taught under class 6 social science.  The long answer questions usually evaluate analytical and critical thinking skills involving social science concepts.  Students may be asked to distinguish between two different social science concepts under the long answer questions.  Besides this, students will also be asked to locate relevant places in a map of India.       

It is important for students to refer to and practice with sample CBSE class 6 social science sample papers.  In this way, they will able to revise and fill gaps, if any, in their understanding and reinforcement of social science topics.  They will also have an edge and score top marks in the CBSE Class 6 social science formative assessments.

Friday, 5 September 2014

CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Arts

CBSE Board

CBSE or the Central Board of Secondary Education is one of India’s premier boards of education.  The textbooks and syllabi for the CBSE board are meticulously designed and prepared by NCERT or the National Council of Educational Research and Training.

CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Arts

In Class 11, students can opt for subjects and streams of their choice.  This may also depend on their prior academic performance.  Although there is an overemphasis on the science stream for decades together in India, the interest in arts and the arts stream is slowly increasing.  The CBSE board has tried to incorporate a variety of subjects in order to help students explore the arts stream in an enjoyable and proficient manner.  The CBSE syllabus for class 11 arts and the art subjects available for study also depend on the school in which the student is studying. 

The subjects that are available for class 11 arts as per the CBSE syllabus are wide.  They include subjects like economics, political science, geography, psychology, sociology and philosophy.  Other subjects include creative writing and translation studies, physical education, fashion studies, fine arts, music, dance, heritage craft, graphic design, mass media studies, theatre studies, etc.  Thus, the syllabus incorporates a wide range which helps students who are passionate about arts subjects to pursue subjects which they are interested in.  

Let us look at an example of how the CBSE arts syllabus is incorporated in class 11 in some CBSE schools:
Compulsory subjects: English core, History/Hindi, Geography/Political Science, Economics/Psychology/Sociology.

Elective 1:  Maths/Informatics/Home Science/Painting
Elective II:  Physical Education/Fashion Studies/Music/Entrepreneurship

We can thus see that the CBSE syllabus allows students and CBSE schools adequate flexibility to provide a good arts education at the senior secondary level.  Students who are interested in a career in the civil services can choose the arts stream with subjects like political science, mathematics and entrepreneurship.  Students, who are keen on pursuing a fine arts career such as in music, fashion studies, etc, can also opt for subjects provided as per the CBSE syllabus and the school they are studying in.  Thus, we can see that the CBSE board and syllabus allows arts students a good choice of subjects to pursue their passions.  

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

CBSE Class 7 Social Science Question Paper

Social Science is an elementary subject and hence, it is included in each CBSE syllabus. This subject imparts information about the historical events, past incidents, different parts of earth, climatic changes, biodiversity, economic situation and issues and others. However, economics, anthropology, political science, history, law, psychology and other subjects come under this discipline. CBSE class 7 Social Science syllabus is worthwhile. It covers all basic topics including the creation of an empire, new kings and kingdoms, architecture as power: forts and sacred places, popular beliefs and religious debates, the flowering of regional cultures, human environment, natural environment and others. Students must learn these topics to understand this subject thoroughly.

CBSE class 7 Social Science question paper is designed under the vigilance of subject experts, who are associated with this prestigious educational board. Suitable instructions are mentioned on each exam paper so that students can get guidance while solving each paper in tests. Class 7 Social Science question paper CBSE is comprehensive and well-formed. Both objective and subjective questions are added in each test paper. Most importantly, the questions are well-prepared and relevant to the topics added in the syllabus. According to current research, practicing old test papers is a good way to handle the exam stress. Therefore, students are encouraged to practice old exam papers designed for each subject. 

CBSE Class 7 Social Science Model Papers

Model papers or guess papers are designed by following the revised curriculum. These model papers act as useful learning documents through which students can revise each prescribed syllabus on time. In brief, these papers allow students to gauge their subject knowledge before the final exams. Consequently, students, who lack behind, can revise the entire syllabus thoroughly before the tests. However, CBSE class 7 Social Science model papers are worthy to follow.

CBSE class 7 Social Science Syllabus 2012-2013

Syllabus guides students throughout the academic session. Each syllabus contains suitable chapters and guidelines as well as the scheme of study. Both teachers and students follow the curriculum to understand each subject thoroughly. However, CBSE syllabi are well-formed and intelligible. Most importantly, each of these is modified from time to time. However, students can collect CBSE class 7 Social Science syllabus online.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

CBSE Class 7 Science Question Papers

Science is an imperative basic subject that imparts requisite knowledge to students as per their academic standard. This subject is a systematic study about the universe. Each concept of this subject is reliably applied in different fields. However, knowing Science opens up many career opportunities for students as it is suitably used for different innovations and discoveries. However, Science has several branches including life science, physical science, earth and space science and others. Students must learn this academic discipline thoroughly to understand our surroundings in a better manner. This subject assists students in improving their problem solving skills, analytical skills and others. 

CBSE Science syllabi are well-structured and informative. The associated subject experts do a thorough research and based on that they designs suitable Science syllabus for each class. CBSE class 7 Science syllabus is intelligible as well as well-described. All pertinent topics are added in this course module in a sequential manner. Physical and chemical changes, motion and time, soil, electric current and its effects, nutrition in plants, winds, storms and cyclones are some basic chapters, which are added in this syllabus. However, CBSE class 7 Science question papers are well-structured. According to academicians, students must practice old CBSE question papers class 7 Science to improve their subject knowledge before examinations.

Have a look on the the video which shows an experiment done by a 7th grade student click here

CBSE Class 7 Science Syllabus

Syllabus is the course outline that describes the entire course structure in a thorough manner. Syllabus not only contains the topics and sub-topics, but also informs students about the objectives of each course. CBSE syllabi are well-designed and ideal for students. Moreover, CBSE class 7 Science syllabus encompasses all basic topics including heat, light, soil, fibre to fabric and others. Moreover, students can collect this syllabus online.

CBSE Class 7 Science Sample Papers

Sample papers are useful learning resources in all respects. Students practice sample papers to gauge their preparation level before examinations. However, CBSE model papers are worthwhile as each of these is designed by following the revised curriculum. CBSE class 7 Science sample papers are available online. Students are advised to practice these learning materials repeatedly to improve their subject knowledge and skills.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

CBSE Syllabus for Class 12 Commerce

Students can choose Commerce stream from class 11. It has been observed that most students are inclined to learn Commerce as it opens up many good career opportunities for students. Business Studies, Economics and Accountancy are some imperative subjects of this stream. Accountancy is a useful subject that helps in maintaining the financial records of any business or organization. Business Studies is all about the information of a business starting from the manufacturing to storage and insurance, etc. This subject is added at the beginner’s level and students can also opt for this subject in the higher level, as well. On the other hand, Economics is concerned with the behavior of a group. It is all about the investment, consumption and income, etc. In the higher level, these subjects are elaborately taught to students along with the branches such as cost accounting, financial accounting, business finance, business law and others.

CBSE syllabus for class 12 Commerce is well-prepared. Economics, Business Studies and Accountancy are encompassed in this syllabus. Pertinent topics, sub-topics and suitable information are also added in each syllabus designed for each subject. However, the CBSE class 12th Commerce syllabus is prepared to meet the learning requirements of students. In detail, it prepares students in such a manner that they can perform well in any business field. Moreover, students can get this syllabus online.

Question papers are formed to gauge the students’ subject knowledge in tests. CBSE question papers are well-structured as each of these is designed by maintaining a standard format. Relevant instructions are also added in each CBSE exam paper and these instructions guide students during the examination. Therefore, CBSE test papers are well-appreciated by students as well as teachers. However, CBSE question papers for class 12 Commerce are available online.

CBSE Model papers for class 12 Commerce

Using model paper especially CBSE model papers are worthwhile for students as through these papers, they can evaluate their subject knowledge before each test. Additionally, these papers give students an idea about the question pattern prescribed by the concerned board. CBSE model papers for class 12 Commerce contain different types of questions and students can practice these questions to revise each chapter in a systematic manner.

Friday, 22 August 2014

CBSE Syllabus, Question Papers for Class 2

Syllabus gives students an outline of the entire course. It consists of topics, sub-topics and pertinent guidelines that assist students throughout the academic session. However, students need to complete each syllabus on time. CBSE Syllabi are well-formed as each of these is prepared followed by a thorough research. The associated subject experts are involved in preparing these courses of studies. As a result, these syllabi are constructive as well as informative. However, each syllabus not only contains the topics name but also consists of the goal of each course. In short, the syllabus is a helpful learning tool that gives students a detailed understanding about each subject or course.

CBSE syllabus for class 2 is organized as we all well-structured. English, Hindi, Maths and Science are added in this educational program. Class 2 comes under the elementary level and hence, all basic topics are incorporated in this syllabus. Suitable poems are added in the English syllabus along with the story narration and grammar chapters. Additionally, basic Math chapters are also included in the Math syllabus. Human body, plants life and animal life are some Science chapters, which are taught in this standard. However, CBSE class 2 syllabus is available online and hence; students can collect this study document as per their convenience.

Question papers examine the students’ knowledge in tests and hence, these papers are specified as important learning documents. Based on each revised syllabus, the educational boards prepare relevant exam papers for each subject. However, CBSE exam papers are understandable and organized. CBSE question papers for class 2 comprise different questions along with the guidelines. However, students can collect old CBSE question papers for class 2 online.

CBSE Model Papers for Class 2

Sample papers are worthwhile learning materials as these papers allow students to evaluate their knowledge before tests. These papers are suitably formed based on the updated curriculum. Therefore, by practicing these papers, students can revise their syllabus in a thorough manner. CBSE model papers for class 2 are available online and students must practice these papers during their exam preparation.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

CBSE Syllabus for Class 1

Syllabus makes students familiar with the topics and sub-topics that students need to complete within a stipulated time frame. Syllabus not only contains the chapter’s name but also comprises the objective of the course. It consists of the scheme of studies that assist students in completing the entire course material on time.  In brief, the syllabus is a useful learning tool through which students learn each subject in a thorough manner. Some key components of the syllabus are course description, course materials, required skills and knowledge to complete each course, course policies and others. However, CBSE syllabi are well-prepared and useful in all respects. The board conducts research and based on that it designs suitable course module for each academic standard.

CBSE syllabus for class 1 is well-formed and intelligible. Hindi, English, Science and Maths are included in this syllabus. As class 1 is an elementary standard, hence, all basic chapters are added in this course module along with the relevant examples. Animal life, plant life, living and non-living are some chapters which are added in the class 1 Science syllabus. Some suitable stories and poems are also added in the English syllabus to enhance students’ comprehension skill. On the other hand, CBSE class 1 Math syllabus is well-structured. Some topics added in this educational program are shapes and space, addition, subtraction, time, measurement, patterns and others. However, students can collect CBSE class 1 syllabus online.

Sample papers act as useful learning materials as through these papers, students can evaluate their subject knowledge before the exams. These papers are ideally formed by following the updated syllabus. Therefore, these papers assist students in revising each syllabus in a thorough manner. Class 1 is an elementary standard and CBSE sample papers for class 1 are ideal to revise each chapter in an organized manner.

CBSE Question Papers for Class 1

Question papers assess students’ understanding level in exams and hence, these papers are important for students. Based on each course module, the concerned educational board designs suitable exam papers for each subject. However, CBSE exam papers are well-formed and understandable. CBSE question papers for class 1 contain suitable questions as per the students’ academic standard so that students can solve these papers without facing any difficulty.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Commerce

Syllabus means a vital learning material for students as through this course module, students learn each subject or course as per their academic standard. Syllabus contains suitable topics and sub-topics along with the guidelines that assist studies in completing the entire course structure within a stipulated time frame. However, syllabus also consists of some relevant information such as the goal or objective of the subject or course, the necessary elements to complete the course, pertinent assignments and projects, names of the reference book, course descriptions, evaluation process and marking scheme. However, CBSE syllabi are constructive as well as effective for students to gain a thorough understanding in each basic subject. Most importantly, CBSE syllabi are modified at regular intervals and hence, each of these inculcates updated information about each topic.

CBSE syllabus for class 11 Commerce covers a good number of subjects including Accountancy, Business studies, Economics and others. After completion of the class 10, students, who are interested in finance and banking sector, international trades and others can choose Commerce stream in class 11. However, the CBSE Commerce syllabus designed for classes 11 and 12 are quite constructive and informative. All necessary topics along with their sub-topics are added in these course modules in a requisite manner. Additionally, reference study materials for CBSE class 11 Commerce syllabus are also designed by this eminent board.

CBSE Class 11 Commerce Question Papers

Question papers are the medium through which students expertise is judged in the exams. CBSE class 11 Commerce question papers are well-prepared as each of these is designed by following a suitable pattern. Additionally, relevant instructions are also added in these test papers so that students can solve these papers within a stipulated time frame. However, students can collect all CBSE question papers online.

CBSE Class 11 Model Papers for Commerce

Model papers are useful as through these papers, students can gauge their subject knowledge before the final tests. CBSE model papers are worthwhile for students as these papers allow students to revise each subject in a systematic manner. CBSE class 11 model papers for Commerce are designed by the associated subject experts and hence, using these papers will make students confident and prepared for their forthcoming exams.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Sample Question Paper for Class 7 CBSE Maths

Sample question papers are useful as through these papers; students can not only brush up their subject knowledge, but also can improve their skills in a requisite manner. Most importantly, sample papers or model papers are prepared based on each specific syllabus and hence, through these papers, students can revise the entire curriculum in a systematic manner. CBSE sample papers are worthwhile in all respects as these learning documents contain different questions and allow students to gauge their understanding level before the exams. Additionally, by using these papers adequately, students can improve their time management skill as well as writing skill.

Math is an important basic subject and learning Math allows students to enhance their problem solving skill and analytical skill. This subject opens up many career options for students. On the other hand, Math needs constant practice and for that, students are suggested to practice Math model question papers before their examinations. Sample question paper for class 7 CBSE Maths covers the entire syllabus and gives students chance to practice different types of questions. However, Math model question papers for class 7 CBSE are available online along with the other CBSE class 7 sample papers. Therefore, students can practice these papers without facing any difficulty.

Syllabus covers some relevant topics and sub-topics along with the suitable marking scheme and scheme of study. It also contains the objective of each course or subject. However, CBSE syllabi are worthwhile to follow as each of these comprises a good number of chapters along with the guidelines. CBSE class 7 Maths syllabus contains integers, fractions and rational numbers, powers, algebraic expressions, properties of triangles, symmetry and others.

CBSE Class 7 Maths Question Papers

Question papers play an imperative role in the examination. Based on each curriculum, each educational board prepares suitable exam papers for each subject. However, each question paper is used for one time. CBSE class 7 Maths question papers are well-formed and students can collect these papers online. However, students can practice previous year Math question papers to revise each chapter properly.

Monday, 11 August 2014

CBSE Subjects for Class 11 Science

CBSE or the Central Board of Secondary Education is one of India’s most prestigious boards of education. The syllabus and textbooks of the CBSE board are as per the guidelines of the NCERT or the National Council of Educational Research and Training.

Science education under CBSE ensures that students develop good scientific aptitude.  Students develop good research and analytical skills.  Until class 10, students study science as a single subject.  Physics, chemistry and biology topics are addressed under the subject Science.  This ensures that students develop a good integrated understanding of the subject before they begin to learn about specialized areas of science.  At the class 11 level, students can enter the science stream.  In the science stream, they begin to learn physics, chemistry and biology topics under separate subjects.  Let us go through a short overview of CBSE subjects for class 11 science.

In class 11, students begin to learn science at a deeper level and also become more familiar with higher-order thinking skills.  Students taking up the science stream begin to learn science through three core science subjects, namely, physics, chemistry and biology.  

Under physics for class 11 science students, introduction to physics as a subject is addressed through topics like “What is Physics?”  The topics that are studied include Units of Measurement, Motion in a Straight Line, Motion in a Plane, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, System of Particles and Rotational Motion and Gravitation in Part 1.  In Part 2, students continue to study physics as a specialized science subject with topics such as Waves and Kinetic Theory.

Under chemistry for class 11 science students, introduction to chemistry as a subject is addressed under the Unit “Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry.” Structure of Atom, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, States of Matter, Thermodynamics and Equilibrium are studied in Part 1.  In Part II, Redox Reactions, Hydrogen, the s-block elements, the p-block elements, Organic Chemistry, Hydrocarbons and Environmental Chemistry is studied.

Under biology for class 11 science students, introduction to biology as a subject is addressed under the Unit “Diversity in the Living World.” The other units under Cbse Class 11 Biology are Structural Organization in Plants and Animals, Cell: Structure and Functions, Plant Physiology and Human Physiology.    

Thursday, 7 August 2014

CBSE Class 8 Science Question Paper

Question papers are basically prepared to assess students’ subject knowledge in a thorough manner. These question papers also reflect the educational standard of the concerned board. Each of these papers contains different types of questions along with their allotted marks. Therefore, students must practice old CBSE test papers to gauge their understanding level in an organized manner. CBSE class 8 Science question paper is well-designed. Both objective and subjective types of questions are added in this paper. In addition to this, suitable guidelines are also written on each test paper for the convenience of students. In brief, CBSE Science test papers are ideal to follow.

According to academicians, students must practice previous year question papers especially for Science. Old class 8 Science question papers CBSE are available online. Hence, students can easily collect and practice these test papers while revising the chapters. By following these old exam papers, students can not only become familiar with the prescribed question pattern, but also can brush up their knowledge in an organized manner. In short, through these papers, they can assume the types of questions that might come in the forthcoming tests. Additionally, old exam papers allow students to improve their skills and expertise.

CBSE board is a standard educational board as it not only imparts praiseworthy and holistic education to students, but also encourages them in nurturing their skills and quality in a thorough manner. CBSE class 8 Science syllabus consists of some important chapters including crop production, micro-organisms, different kinds of materials and their reactions, the cell and others. Students are advised to complete these chapters thoroughly to get a sound knowledge in this subject.

CBSE Class 8 Science Model Papers

Model papers are worthwhile learning materials in all respects. Based on each syllabus, CBSE model papers are suitably designed to give students a clear idea about the prescribed question pattern. CBSE class 8 Science model papers are useful for students and hence, they must practice these guess papers to handle their exam stress before the tests. According to academicians, practicing model papers makes students prepared and well-planned.

Monday, 14 July 2014

CBSE Class 8 Maths Sample Papers

Syllabus is a study document through which students learn each subject or course under the guidance of subject experts. Syllabus is usually set by the educational boards or some authorized training institutes. After preparing each curriculum, the associated subject experts evaluate its quality and after that, students use this.  Students can collect their course modules in paper form or else they can collect these online. However, syllabus explains the course objectives as well as the course expectations. Some basic rules to complete each course, requirements, relevant assignments, reference books, projects and other useful information are also added in each curriculum. However, CBSE syllabus are well-formed as each of these is designed by following an extensive research work. Most importantly, each CBSE course of study covers all essential topics along with their sub-topics. Students must follow the relevant course module as per their academic standard.

On the other hand, sample papers are useful in all manners. These papers are ideally formed to make students’ learning methods easier and useful. CBSE sample papers are well-designed as well as understandable. Students should collect and practice these papers before their final tests. However, CBSE class 8 Maths sample papers help students in covering the entire syllabus in a systematic manner. Therefore, students are suggested to practice the class 8 CBSE model papers during their exam preparation. These study materials are available online and hence, students can practice these as per their convenience.

CBSE Class 8 Math Question Papers

Question papers are designed based on each revised syllabus. CBSE syllabi are evaluated from time to time and based on each updated curriculum; the associated subject experts prepare specific test paper for each academic session. However, Math is an important subject and CBSE Math syllabi are well-formed.  CBSE class 8 Math syllabus covers all relevant topics and CBSE class 8 Math question papers are suitably designed.

CBSE Class 8 Math Syllabus

CBSE class 8 Math syllabus includes all essential topics including number system, geometry, algebra, data handling, mensuration and others. Specific marks are allotted for each topic. Some sub-topics of this curriculum are rational numbers, powers, algebraic expressions, understanding of shapes, constructions and many others. However, this syllabus is informative as well as intelligible. Students should follow this course module from the starting of each academic session.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

CBSE 4th Standard Maths Question Paper

CBSE is a standard educational board of India and the parents as well as students prefer to choose this board due to its unmatched learning methods and course modules. The board promotes interactive learning processes to keep students engaged with some constructive works. Additionally, it encourages students in learning as well as it gives them space to nurture their skills and quality in a required manner. In brief, the board believes in the holistic learning system and it provides this learning system to students for their better future. However, CBSE syllabi are standardized and informative. It gives thorough knowledge and makes students prepared for the various competitive exams. Apart from this, the board prepares suitable question papers for each subject. CBSE 4th standard Maths question paper is suitably designed by covering the entire syllabus. 

According to academics, practicing old exam papers is quite beneficial for students. Through these papers, they can not only get familiar with the prescribed question pattern, but also can enhance their understanding and writing skills in a required manner. In addition to this, using these papers assists students in reducing their exam anxiety. Previous year CBSE Math question papers 4th standard are available online and students must practice these papers while revising their syllabus.

Syllabus acts as an important learning material in students’ life. Through each syllabus, students learn each course within a stipulated time frame. CBSE syllabi are useful for students as each of these covers all essential topics and sub-topics. In brief, CBSE course modules are organized as well as informative. Most importantly, these are modified at regular intervals. CBSE Math syllabus for class 4 is an ideal example of a well-structured curriculum.

Math Worksheets for Class 4 CBSE

Math worksheets contain different types of Math questions as per the students’ academic class. CBSE Math worksheets are well-geared for students as by using these, they can revise their syllabus in an organized manner. Math worksheets for class 4 CBSE are available online and students are suggested to practice these as practice is the only way to get good score in this subject.

Mathematics is crazy and funny when you play with it, here is an example which you can see in the video.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Sample Question Paper for Class 6 CBSE English

Syllabus is an imperative learning document for students. It not only guides students, but also helps teachers to complete the course on time. Each syllabus is ideally designed with pertinent information as per the students’ academic standard. It guides students throughout the session. However, syllabus not only covers the topics and their sub-topics, but also makes students understand about the objective of the course. Additionally, it consists of the names of some reference books. In brief, syllabus is an unsurpassed learning document that makes students knowledgeable and prepared for their exams. Moreover, CBSE syllabi are well-prepared and students should follow these as per their academic class. Each CBSE syllabus includes all topics as per the students’ educational requirements. Most importantly, these are amended from time to time. Additionally, the board prepares suitable study materials including CBSE sample papers that students can use during their exam preparation.

Sample question paper for class 6 CBSE English is such a learning document that is ideally prepared to make students’ learning process easy and effective. Different questions are added in this paper and hence, by practicing this, students can assess their subject knowledge in a systematic manner. CBSE English sample paper 2014 is the updated learning material, which is designed by following the revised syllabus. However, students are suggested to practice this as a reference document.

Watch the below video which gives you a information about English grammar.

English is a useful subject, which is accepted globally. Students must learn this subject properly to get their preferred job in different fields. However, knowing English is beneficial for students. In this current stage, knowing English is a great advantage in many fields. CBSE English syllabi are well-designed. In this respect, CBSE class 6 English syllabus is an ideal example. Students should learn this syllabus thoroughly.

CBSE Class 6 English Sample Papers
Sample papers or model papers are some reference learning documents that students can use to make their exam preparation better and constructive. As we all know, CBSE syllabi are organized and informative. Both practical part and theoretical information are requisitely added in each CBSE course module. Hence, to cover class 6 syllabus, students can use CBSE class 6 English sample papers before their examinations.